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The Connection Between One Pound of M&Ms and a Great Customer Experience With Aaron Bickart

  • June 24, 2022
27 min read
The Connection Between One Pound of M&Ms and a Great Customer Experience With Aaron Bickart

Ilana Shabtay
VP of Marketing, Fullpath

Aaron Bickart
Executive Vice President and General Manager, OfferLogix

Aaron Bickart is a recognized senior leader, entrepreneur, and the Executive Vice President and General Manager of OfferLogix, where he spearheads the development and execution of the company’s business strategy. He is an award-winning sales and marketing professional with over 30 years of success in the automotive industry. Throughout his career, Aaron has built partnerships with major OEMs and automotive players like Cox Automotive while serving in different leadership roles at Team Velocity and The Reynolds and Reynolds Company.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Aaron Bickart entered the automotive industry and his experience selling cars online in the early days of the internet
  • Is there a similar pattern among dealers who adopt tech?
  • What dealers should do to improve their customers’ journey
  • Aaron’s thoughts on breaking franchise dealerships, combustion vehicles, and the increasing gas prices
  • Aaron explains what OfferLogix does and how they provide a better customer experience

In this episode…

What can dealerships do to provide a better customer experience to their clients? How can they offer customers the best car deals in the market and stay competitive?

The automotive industry has evolved over the years. Customers’ needs and expectations have also changed, especially with the growth of eCommerce and online retailing. This is why personalization has become so essential in the current auto industry: it helps dealers customize their offerings and retain customers for the long term.

In this episode of the InsideAuto podcast, Ilana Shabtay is joined by Aaron Bickart, the Executive Vice President and General Manager of OfferLogix, to discuss the value of personalizing the customer journey in automotive. Aaron also talks about OfferLogix’s Penny Perfect Payments, the adoption of technology in the automotive industry, and how OfferLogix offers a smooth customer experience. Stay tuned.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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This episode is brought to you by AutoLeadStar, a company that helps car dealerships engage quality customers on the web and convert them into car buyers.

Co-founded by Aharon Horwitz, Yishai Goldstein, and Eliav Moshe, AutoLeadStar’s state-of-the-art software automates a dealership’s entire marketing funnel and provides around-the-clock service for dealers.

AutoLeadStar’s innovative technology helps dealerships automate ads, connect with customers, and discover ROI and performance metrics

Visit their website at to learn more about their around-the-clock marketing service.

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to InsideAuto Podcast where we feature everyone and anyone you’d want to talk to you in and out of the automotive industry.

Ilana Shabtay 0:14

Ilana Shabtay here, host of InsideAuto Podcast where we interview top dealers, GMs, marketers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders in and out of the automotive industry. And before we introduce today’s guest, this episode is sponsored by AutoLeadStar’s first automotive customer data and experience platform CDXP, top dealers invest in CDXP to unify dealership data sources automatically create one to one customized journeys and execute omni-channel shopping experiences. It’s an all in one connected platform. Today, we have Aaron Bickart with us. He’s joining us today from Virginia. Hello.

Aaron Bickart 0:52

Hello, Ilana. How are you?

Ilana Shabtay 0:54

I’m good. How are you doing?

Aaron Bickart 0:56

I’m doing great. The weather is beautiful here in Virginia. And I’m looking forward to talking to you today. And I just want to say your live broadcast of the CDXP. Announcement of coming out to the public was a incredible live broadcast and watch the whole thing. And it’s pretty amazing what you guys are coming out with.

Ilana Shabtay 1:15

Awesome, thank you so much for the support. We’re really excited about it. We’re gonna get into customer journeys a little bit today, so we can talk about that. But I do want to give you a proper intro, you have been in the industry for quite some time. Aaron is a recognized senior leader, entrepreneur, and award winning sales and marketing professional with over 30 years of success in the automotive industry, which we all know is a massive industry. So it’s pretty impressive. Most recently, Aaron took over as executive vice president and general manager of OfferLogix. And before that he was at all different types of leaders. He was serving in different leadership roles at team philosophy, Reynolds and Reynolds building partnerships with major OEMs and major automotive players like like Cox automotive. So, on this podcast, we’d like to talk about the history of automotive, the challenges of automotive, the predictions that we have. So you’re the perfect person to thank you again for joining us. Before we talk about all the controversial stuff that we’ll get into. How did you get into automotive? I like all of our guests, I want to know where you’re from, I want to know how you fell into this industry. Tell us a little bit about yourself?

Aaron Bickart 2:21

Well, you know, I guess it kind of ran ran into family a little bit. My father, my stepfather really worked for Ford Motor Company. And believe it or not, he was a programmer and a developer, I ended up intrapreneurial person and in 1972, he sold his software package to Ford, which at that time was called GTX. Which actually if anyone remembers back in the old days, if anyone’s watching this, the the dealer locating system was ran on my father’s software program. So it was actually pretty interesting for the Ford Motor Company. And then long time coming, I went to school, college and I needed to get a job right out of college and my buddy was selling cars and he’s a errand. You don’t want to get a job making 2530 grand a year 35 grand a year back in 1993 Because when you come sell cars you’re gonna make 60 7080 is the limit. So I started selling cars in 19. In 1994 1993 1994

Ilana Shabtay 3:24

was the first dealership where do

Aaron Bickart 3:27

you have Broadway Chrysler Jeep Dodge actually the dealer principal’s name was Tom Avery Newburgh, New York. It was a minority store. And so yeah, so I started selling Chrysler Jeep Dodge perfect in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, pretty pretty interesting at that time. And actually, it was a cars coming in off the trucks weren’t so good at that time. actually still have some bad memories of the Plymouth acclaim and the Chrysler Imperial and, and the Jeep Wrangler, and Plymouth laser and all these different cars. So it was a it was fun, though. Yeah.

Ilana Shabtay 4:06

It’s great thing got to be on the retail side of it. And then did you stay on the retail side for a while or did you go straight to technology? Or what was that jump? Like?

Aaron Bickart 4:13

Yeah, so I stayed. Actually, I Oh, I got put out a little coaching method here coaching endorsement. It was a guy named Dominic Barton loan who taught me how to sell cars. And so I followed him. Maybe he’ll come on the podcasts? Yeah, maybe I don’t know where he is anymore. We lost contact a long time ago, but I stayed in the auto industry for a little bit. And then believe it or not, there was a there was an electronics store. I got out of electronics out of the car business just for a short term. And I went to go work for Circuit City. And they saw I guess we saw cars and they wanted me to go sell electronics. In the video department you know selling TVs. VHS recorders, eight millimeter heaters and VCRs, and so forth, and I started selling those did pretty well with that. And then got back in the car business. It just wasn’t for me working retail hours, like, you know, 10 o’clock at night and all those type of things. But you know car business who worked retail hours, but is a little bit different. In Pennsylvania at that time, car dealerships were closed on Sundays, which I think they still are closed on Sundays. So we did that. And then I stayed in the car business. And then from there in 1999, I went to go work for a company called half a car, which was a did red carpet lease training for Ford Motor Company. And then we started a new division called Cyber car which I morphed over to the cyber car division. And at that time, Jack Nasser, the CEO, was, was the CEO of Ford, and he wanted to be on the internet. So we started training car dealerships on how to sell cars over the internet. And at that time, think about well,

Ilana Shabtay 5:58

yeah, this is a great I want to hear more about no one really talked about this on the podcast, too, because it’s talk about things that dealers don’t want to adopt. And I say, Well, hey, we used to, you know, these did not want to live sites. So you were you were part of that transition?

Aaron Bickart 6:12

No, that was a very minor part. But But yeah, but the Yeah, so actually, hilarious. You know, we used to fly around in these car dealerships, and they had a website called Digital retailing, and a CRM solution called sales points. And some of these dealerships didn’t have computers. And we had to go to Circuit City, we had to go to the local, you know, computer store that Donnie computer they had was in the parts department, we had to teach him how to buy

Ilana Shabtay 6:38

electronics, you would have been able to sell to all the dealers.

Aaron Bickart 6:40

Actually, the Circuit City helped me so you know, you don’t know what you’re into until afterwards, you know, exactly. Right. So yeah, so we trained, and we did that for a few years. And I traveled all around the great nation of the United States doing it. And, and we, it was fun, it was fun. Then they sold the company, to Reynolds and Reynolds and 2002. So we did that. And then from 2002, I stayed at Reynolds and Reynolds until 2011. Wow, yep. And then I’ve worked my way up at Reynolds, and then and then went to Team velocity in 2011.

Ilana Shabtay 7:21

So you really, you were really part of that whole transition from no computer to website to then, like paid ads strategy, real digital marketing.

Aaron Bickart 7:31

Actually, if you think about in 2000, in 2000, half a car cyber car acquired a website company, we acquired a website company called auto market that time. And we were actually one of the first website providers out there was asking cobalt out there. And there might have been some other ones that that that wasn’t even in the picture yet.

Ilana Shabtay 7:51

All the websites weren’t even a picture like it was literally just get your inventory on a screen for people to see.

Aaron Bickart 7:57

Wow. Yeah, man, we yeah, we had inventory online, we had a whole CMS in the background changed all the templates. So we were selling websites, everything back in 2000 2001 2002. Yep. And we were we were probably we had probably 5055 of the top 100 dealer groups at that time on our websites. Were pretty large. And then there was a COBOL was the other large player at that time being acquired by CDK. Or ADP at the time, but now CDK, right. It was a ya know, I was in the I was at the beginning stages of

Ilana Shabtay 8:35

Yeah, that’s really cool. I mean, do you see? Is there like a similar pattern that you can see in dealers adopting technology as the years go on? Like, is it just a repeat where there’s this resistance? And then they adopt it? And then it’s like, we can’t live without it? Or do you think websites is just okay, this was the first foot in and now that there’s a whole digital world? It’s a bit different?

Aaron Bickart 8:59

Well, yeah, I definitely see a progression here. Especially with 111111 step process, where the salesperson takes it from A to Z. Definitely see that coming more, clearer and more, more dealerships doing it. I also see the digital retailing part of it too, as well becoming more progressive and more integrated into the process. And the last thing is personalization. I definitely see personalization becoming a lot more relevant today. Today, a lot of dealerships are not doing personalization in their marketing. And I see personalization actually becoming the most relevant piece of the of the business moving forward. I mean, to everyone wants to and when you think about Amazon changed the world for us and personalization in the United States. I’m not really sure in Israel, but definitely in the United States. Amazon has definitely changed the world for all of us. And if you think about not only Amazon but you go to your local bank You log on to the mobile app. You know, everything is says Ilana says Aaron, whatever it is, yeah. And then you go to anywhere they know who you are, everything becomes personalized

Ilana Shabtay 10:13

call like American Airlines where I’ll call me see we recognize your your whatever your SkyMiles they send your number like that. That is what I want for everything.

Aaron Bickart 10:25

I can tell you when I go go to the Marriott Hotel, cuz I’m a Marriott person and I have a platinum for life. And what happens is I walk in, I always joke around I put in my profile. I want a pound of m&ms. Peanut m&ms. I just joke around. And every time I walk into my room is a big bag of m&ms. That is,

Ilana Shabtay 10:43

that is amazing. Yeah, that is amazing. What can dealers learn from the fact that you get m&ms in your room? That’s a great trick. I’m going to do that to

Aaron Bickart 10:52

put some fun stuff in there. You got I always joke around with like little things to see if they’re

Ilana Shabtay 10:56

like I want top top liquor shelf, right when I watch.

Aaron Bickart 11:03

Yeah, whatever, whatever your your choice of alcohol is, you put it right in and I want that bottle, right? Or a little, a little mini bottle or whatever it is. Right? Yeah.

Ilana Shabtay 11:11

Right. Like a little one. Like, that’s great. On this topic, just talking about the customer journey in automotive. What do you think right now dealers should be focusing on AND, and OR in the next, let’s say, six to 12 months, that needs to be fixed in the customer journey? Because we’re not quite there, right. Like dealers aren’t greeting people with m&ms based on their preference right now. I mean, maybe m&ms for everyone. But it’s a one to many approach, like what do you think dealers should be doing for the customer to just affect and target hyper target when it comes to the customer journey?

Aaron Bickart 11:46

Well, I think making everything everything needs to be 100% relevant to that individual number one. Number two, well, let me expand on the relevance of that particular consumer. I mean, everything needs to say, Ilana, everything needs to say what you’re currently driving, everything needs to have their service information all within maybe that email or that mail piece, or wherever it is that website, landing page, whatever it is, whatever you can get done, because consumers want to see the whole their whole picture, then the next thing I actually think that that we need to take it to the next step part of that landing page or wherever it goes, I actually think that they need to have what their payoff information is their amortization tables, where the where the loan is being being being done at, I think everything needs to be encompassed within that personalization. So when we log on, as a consumer, I can see everything in one spot, I don’t need to go to let’s just say Chase Financial or to go to financial, wherever it is. And I can see all the service information. So we need to kind of have like a my garage, which, which people tried to build three, four years ago, but it was just before its time. But I think today’s market is it is ready to go. And then service offerings, I think it needs to be more customized to service offerings. You know, because you know, think about it, you buy a car, maybe every three to five years, maybe every seven years, depending on your finances. But reality is you get your car serviced every 5000 to 10,000 miles, you come in more often. But everything needs to be personalized. And most people do not realize that they have more equity in their vehicle. And they can trade out of their vehicle and upgrade to a brand new vehicle with little or no money out of pocket. So I think everything needs to be a complete 360 instead of a 180. And the last thing I want to say is last thing I want to say is dealerships need to make sure that they don’t have their silos, service department sales, they need to they need to bring it together. And ultimately, they’ll make more more customer, the ultimate I call it the ultimate customer experience. That’s what they need to have.

Ilana Shabtay 13:53

Yeah, I even think I know you said, have all that information on the landing page and email. But even having all that information in the follow up phone call, I mean, even it’s not necessarily the technology that the that the customer is interacting with. But the dealership needs to have the technology in place where they can see that all really easily because a BDC, you know exactly when in the BDC isn’t going to be opening up a million tabs. So it’s got to be all there. And they have to see, like you said, the 360 not the 180 You got to copyright that because,

Aaron Bickart 14:24

yeah, the copyright and the ultimate customer experience. But if you think about what you just did, this dealership with the BDC, whatever, whatever they’re doing calling out or the text message, everything needs to be completely personalized. So we need to be able to build templates for them that completely let’s just use or have mail merge is in there and automatic fills in all the information. So just so that the person making the phone call can just read right down the line with the bullet points, as well as the text messages. And the other thing is we got to make sure that we’re doing text messages over emails law, people are not reading emails anymore or go wanting to spam. So text messages is a large piece of the puzzle, as well.

Ilana Shabtay 15:05

Yeah, sure. And also, yeah, I mean, I just think that once dealerships can get a hold of that, and I think we’re on the right track. There’s definitely awareness. Now it’s just about actually adopting technology and making sure the processes are in place at dealerships. But once they do that, I think there’ll be above and beyond, you know, the big, bigger giants that are trying to take away dealerships like our mana and room and we talked about this a little bit before the podcast, but talking about abolishing dealerships. Let’s talk a little bit about Jim Farley from the CEO, Ford, who had that little slip up, apparently, it you know, we went three steps back now we’re now now we don’t we want dealerships, but talk a little bit about what he said, I’d love just as an automotive veteran, I’d love to know what you think about that, that future? Is that going to happen? Are we going to be just selling evey street? You know, from websites or from manufacturer directly to customer? What does that what does that? What do you think?

Aaron Bickart 15:57

Yeah, so let me let me let me tell you, you know, I mean, you know, I haven’t really thought about it completely. Yeah, it’s gone through my brain, you know, and I’ve gone, I’ve gone from a to let’s just say, n, but I haven’t gone all the way to Z yet. But, but, you know, I understand where he’s coming from because of what’s going on in Europe, you know, especially with Mercedes and still ANSYS. So I know what he’s trying to think that we’re going to try to get rid of the dealership world. But the franchise laws in the United States are really telling. It’s hard to break. But yes, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Ilana Shabtay 16:30

I understand obviously, the concept of it. And I was wondering, you think it’s actually going to be too hard to break?

Aaron Bickart 16:35

Well, I think for the combustion vehicles, yes, for sure. Tesla, actually, you know, changed a lot of these things where they’re now able to live vehicles without dealerships. So you know, Evie, and all that type of stuff. Through Tesla, lucid, you know, maybe poster, I think posters have actually as dealerships now. rivian. They’re changing everything. And then Ford actually build a separate division and a separate LLC, and an entity and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, I think the franchise laws are just too compelling, and too hard, too hard to break. And I think he’s going to be fighting an uphill battle, especially with the being on the hill and all the automotive people. I mean, you think about the United States, if you just if you got rid of franchises, and you get rid of all that how many people that employs

Ilana Shabtay 17:27

I just talking about this. It’s insane. How many people it employs the the on, like, just the basics of economy, that it would hurt. And then of course, also giving people the opportunity to be able to make money right out of college. And all the veterans that work in automotive that

Aaron Bickart 17:50

all of us, right, yeah. So at the end of the day, I don’t know, I don’t know if that’s going to be possible. Now. Anything is possible. But is it logical? That’s a logical but the, but the, I don’t think that’s going to be able to get done not in Jim Farley. CEOs time. Yeah. But you never know, you know, maybe in next 1015 years, things might change. You know, selling electric vehicles, you know, you might be a delivery center, and in some combustion vehicles, you know, you’d be a franchise, so maybe they’ll have the best of both worlds. You know, for everybody, but I don’t know exactly where that’s gonna go yet. I think he was a little he’s low have his time. But hey, remember the beginning of this podcast? We’re talking about Jack NASA, with cyber car. And we trained dealerships on how to sell cars on the internet and the internet? No, how we call it the internet. No. And I remember the same pretty well, you know, and so, but, you know, you never know what could happen in next 10 to 15 years, but I think electric vehicles are here to stay. But I think the other side of the piece of the puzzle of course, gas prices are outrageous right now,

Ilana Shabtay 19:06

but Right. What do you do you wish you an Eevee? Right. I don’t know if what you drive.

Aaron Bickart 19:10

Actually, I do not wish I had an ad. Really? Yeah, no, no, I’m okay with driving combustion.

Ilana Shabtay 19:16

The gas prices are insane. It’s crazy. But

Aaron Bickart 19:20

you know, but the US is used to low gas prices. But you know, my wife’s Canadian, and they’ve always paid 99 cents to $1. Leader, right?

Ilana Shabtay 19:29

Israel is? Yeah, it’s by Yeah, it’s it’s not by gallon, but it’s, if I do the conversion, it’s probably closer to

Aaron Bickart 19:36

well, how much is it? dollars a gallon? Or how much is a liter right now? They’re $2 A leader?

Ilana Shabtay 19:42

I don’t know because it’s in our currency. But I would say I would say it’s similar to about seven to $8 per gallon. Like yeah, we

Aaron Bickart 19:52

were just talking to relatives this weekend. And they’re paying between 799 and 810 a gallon. Yeah, but you know, but they’re used to paying by leader, we’re used to paying four to five 450 a gallon. So the United States where, you know, let’s just say we we’ve been spoiled. But we’ll still be spoiled, because that’s just what happens. Yes, that’s because that’s just America. Exactly.

Ilana Shabtay 20:14

This is why I want to move back to America.

Aaron Bickart 20:17

Well, come on back. You ever walk home with?

Ilana Shabtay 20:20

Yeah, thank you. Maybe one day we’ll get back there. As Yeah, so that’s it. That’s a nice take. I’m glad we took we I’ve been it’s been in my mind. And I said, You know what, next podcast episode, I’m gonna get some, some insight from others that have been in the automotive industry a little bit longer see what they think about this? Because I can’t imagine the US without, you know, franchise dealer. It’s just, it’s like part of our identity. It really is. Well, North America,

Aaron Bickart 20:42

Canada, too, as well. I’m out. I don’t think the franchise laws in Canada are pretty,

Ilana Shabtay 20:46

you know, they’re pretty tight as well. Yeah. So hopefully that will that will be to stay. And then before we do we sign off here. I want I do want you to tell us a little bit about OfferLogix, what you guys do and what you’re, you know, mainly focus on what what you are solving in the customer journey, how the technology is actually helping customers have a smoother journey. Just for our listeners, it’s always good for them to see what’s out there. It’s important to know what technologies can make your dealerships customer experience better. That’s all we care about make drinks better?

Aaron Bickart 21:16

Well, first of all, we provide the ultimate customer experience. I actually stole that from BMW, because they call it the ultimate driving machine. I call it the ultimate customer experience. I think that’s a good line. Right? But we provide

Ilana Shabtay 21:27

you right? We have a few lines in this podcast now that already that you got a copyright.

Aaron Bickart 21:32

I got a trademark and registered. But yeah, so we provide Penny perfect payments. What does that mean? Exactly? You know, in the customer journey that we were talking about earlier, personalization is key. So we provide a penny perfect payment for lease and finance. We have all the rates, residuals, all those authentic rates, we have everything that there is to produce a payment. And they’re all 100% transactional, and they’re completely dynamic. So at the end of the day, when someone’s on one of your CX P sites, and are starting to look for your dynamic information, we can produce a payment right back to them, depending on their credit score. So if they don’t have a good credit score, the payment adjustment, depending on credit scores, do a

Ilana Shabtay 22:10

soft pull, like when they put in the information. Is that a hard pull?

Aaron Bickart 22:13

Well, no. So I’m glad you brought that up. Actually, you just set me up for a line because we didn’t talk about this ahead of time. Yeah. So we have a new solution coming out. So we have Penny perfect payments today. And we’re announcing next week, actually. First in exactly that you actually are hearing one. This is brand new. We are this is something that we’ve been working on for a long time, we teamed up with Equifax and Equifax and offer logics have now become we’re going to be receiving Equifax. We’re going to call credit perfect payments. So we’re going to be the first in the industry that able to do soft credit pools. With the consumer, they can do the five liner through your CD XP program, get the FICO score right into our platform, and we automatically append it versus you sending us to FICO scores are the biggest. We’re the first in the industry to do it. And we announce it next week. Press Release starts next week. So stock price just went way up just price just went way up. Yeah. Yeah. And the good news is the way we’re going to mark we don’t sell the other big piece of the puzzle that you should know, is we don’t sell the dealerships. We only sell b2b. So we’re going to sell the partners like auto Leafstar. And the big thing there is for you, you can now take our price because we’re kind of wholesale. And you can now mark it up to your dealers. So versus getting a referral fee back. So we’re going at the market completely different. We’re going to disrupt the market like we did with Penny perfect payment and OfferLogix. And we’re gonna disrupt the market here. And the other product that you should know about today we’re going to be announcing and we talked about Evie, right. We don’t have built yet. But credit perfect payments is built. It will be out July 1. The other piece is Evie stuff. So we now have all the household and income levels for federal on tax credit for an integrated within our API. So everything is completely done. So as you know, there’s tax credits in the United States for buying an electric vehicle. So we now have that fully, completely integrated into our platform. Again, going back to personalization

Ilana Shabtay 24:31

payments. Yeah. And I just did I predict the name for the for the would you call it Evie? Perfect payment?

Aaron Bickart 24:39

No, we call it Evie logics. Oh, okay. But yeah, so so we got credit perfect payments and Evie logics and Evie logics will be out September 1.

Ilana Shabtay 24:49

Okay, so that’s kind of like a separate that makes sense. Like,

Aaron Bickart 24:53

okay, yeah. So we’ve been working if you like, yeah. So yeah, so yeah. So and then the other product for credit perfect paint. That’s the umbrella. It’s really called offer logic. That that’s cool. I’m sorry, qualify logic qualify lives. I’m okay.

Ilana Shabtay 25:10

Oh, wow. So it’s called qualified logics, but the tagline is credit perfect human.

Aaron Bickart 25:19

Yeah, tagline.

Ilana Shabtay 25:20

Okay, it’s great.

Aaron Bickart 25:23

Yeah, but you got the first one. We haven’t told anyone about it.

Ilana Shabtay 25:26

Yes. Title pockets is always covering breaking news.

Aaron Bickart 25:30

brought it up. So about the soft credit for that I couldn’t let it go. I couldn’t let it

Ilana Shabtay 25:33

You couldn’t let that one flat.

Aaron Bickart 25:37

On the podcast was only a week earlier.

Ilana Shabtay 25:40

The truth is it will probably, you know, air this next week. So we’ll be right on time.

Aaron Bickart 25:44

Yeah. Yes, we have a press release coming out on the 22nd. I think it is 21st 22nd

Ilana Shabtay 25:52

or so that we could be you know, the first source.

Aaron Bickart 25:54

So if you bring this out on the 21st, you got you have it. And then we have a press release. And all the emails are going to be going out and all that social media, everything goes out, I think on Wednesday, the 22nd.

Ilana Shabtay 26:07

All right. Well, that is great. You guys have a lot going on at the end of the day. What’s great about OfferLogix and what you’ve been doing in the industry, since websites were introduced, dealers is just always constantly being at the cutting edge. And making sure customers can get the best deal. The easiest way possible, which is dealers should be focusing on.

Aaron Bickart 26:26

Exactly and giving the dealerships that everything at their fingertips so they can get it done in milliseconds. Yeah, because as you know, 20 years ago, they didn’t even know we had to do fax machines, you know, through the fax or mail.

Ilana Shabtay 26:41

Like some dealers still probably use fax.

Aaron Bickart 26:44

Yeah, but it’s been fun. It’s been a fun journey. So over 30 years of doing this, so it’s been fun.

Ilana Shabtay 26:50

That’s, that’s awesome. Well, thank you for joining us today and giving us a little bit of your background, your insight, your knowledge, your predictions. I appreciate it. I’m sure I’ll see you at the at the next conference or at least I hope I will. I’m hoping to go to Vegas in October.

Aaron Bickart 27:04

October yet we will we call on myself. We’ll be there and the rest of the 25

Ilana Shabtay 27:09

Awesome. Well, thank you again. And for those listening. This is InsideAuto podcast. You could catch us on inside of the or any of your mainstream podcast outlets, Spotify, Apple, you name it inside auto podcast. Thank you so much, Aaron.

Aaron Bickart 27:25

Perfect. Thank you, Ilana. Thank you, Luke Stark. Thank you for everything.

Outro 27:32

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