
Smart, personalized email campaigns powered by your dealership data.

Automatically create smart, data-driven email campaigns that will engage your shoppers and drive more sales.

Precision email marketing, zero manual effort.

Fullpath Audience Activation automates smart, data-driven email campaigns designed to cut through the noise and engage every single shopper in your CRM.

Fullpath activates your data by leveraging powerful segmentation and personalization technologies to automatically create individualized emails at scale that speak directly to the needs and preferences of your shoppers so you can engage with them about what matters.

Generic blasts are a thing of the past.

Data-powered email campaigns means you can offer every shopper a personalized experience. By activating your dealership data through the Fullpath CDP, Audience Activation uses the latest information about your shoppers’ needs and preferences to personalize every email.

Engaging emails that actually get opened.

Fullpath Audience Activation users see an average open rate of 35% – that’s way above the industry benchmark of 15%. By creating smart, data-driven content, you can increase engagements rates.

Lost leads are your next sales opportunity.

Fullpath’s AI-powered campaigns enable you to reach every CRM shopper with content that matters to them now including relevant offers, equity-based opportunities, service reminders and more, so you can win more sales and increase your customer lifetime value. 

On-point messaging for the entire sales funnel.

Working with hyper-segemented dynamic audiences allows for Fullpath to shift customers into different campaigns in real-time, ensuring your shoppers always receive relevant, valuable content that directly reflects their most recent actions, needs, and preferences.

Key Features of Fullpath Audience Activation

Content Automation

Leveraging AI, Fullpath Audience Activation creates hyper-personalized content at scale so you can engage every lead in your CRM and drive new revenues for your dealership.

Full-Funnel Engagement

Fullpath engages your entire sales funnel at scale with tailored email messages for every individual shopper at every point of their customer journey.

Audience Segmentation

Leveraging the segmentation capabilities of Fullpath’s CDP, Audience Activation automates hyper-specific audiences based on shopper demographics, behavior, preferences and needs.

Dynamic Audiences

Shoppers are automatically moved from audience to audience based on their most recent dealership engagements to ensure your campaigns are always valuable and relevant.

Audience Suppression

Fullpath uses audience suppression techniques to ensure your email campaigns always reach your shoppers with relevant messaging based on their current needs.

Personalized Content

Fullpath leverages your first and third-party data to create valuable, hyper-personalized campaigns to ensure your shoppers choose your dealership over your competitors. 

Seamless Experience

Shoppers who click on a Fullpath email are directed to an automated customized landing page that features the exact offer they clicked on, providing a seamless customer experience.


Newly Listed Inventory

Engage shoppers with a vehicle of interest that matches a vehicle that was recently added to your dealership inventory.

Vehicle Acquisition

Acquire more inventory for your dealership while offering customers cash, trade-in credits, or other incentives.

Price Drop

Engage shoppers who showed interest in a specific vehicle which has recently dropped in price to drive sales.

Service Activation

Send your customers and shoppers service reminders and information on your offerings to bring more sales through your dealership service lane.

Lease and Finance Renewals

Automatically engage customers who are eligible for a lease or finance renewal with hyper-relevant offers.


Engage your equity positive shoppers with hyper-relevant equity based offers.

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Customer Story

Szott Ford turned dead leads into sales with Fullpath Audience Activation.

Tired of watching expensive leads go cold, Szott Ford used Fullpath’s AI-powered campaigns to engage 100% of their CRM, transforming over 7,000 dead leads into active shoppers.

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Traditional Marketing

General content

Manual audience building

General message for all leads

CTA drive to dealership website

Manual content curation

Occasional audience tweaks

Fullpath Audience Activation

Personalized campaigns for every shopper

Automated hyper-segmented CRM audiences

Tailored messaging for every CRM contact

Dynamic, customized landing pages

Automated, data-driven content

Dynamic audiences driven by real-time data

Why Your Car Dealership Needs a Lead Nurture Strategy

Implementing a lead nurture strategy at your dealership will ensure your brand stays top of mind for potential customers – existing CRM leads and shoppers alike, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition. Nurturing your leads with targeted, personalized, and valuable follow-up over time will help your dealership extend your customer journeys and build trust in your brand that can result in a sale down the road.

The Role of a CDP in Creating Value at Every Touch Point

Fullpath’s Customer Data Platform (CDP) enables dealers to leverage their unified customer data to execute highly-targeted lead nurture campaigns based on individual preferences, behaviors, and previous dealership engagement. This level of deep personalization enhances the relevance of your dealership emails, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

The real-time data capabilities of Fullpath’s CDP coupled with powerful AI ensures your automated emails are always timely and contextual so you can transform every interaction across the customer journey into a valuable, tailored touch point, fostering stronger customer relationships and boosting overall campaign effectiveness.

How it Works

Step 1

Data Consolidation

Unify your dealership’s first-party data sources with Fullpath.

Step 2

Audience Automation

Automatically create hundreds of hyper-specific audiences for your dealership’s email marketing campaigns based on your first-party data.

Step 3

Campaign Generation

Instantly generate relevant, hyper-personalized emails, videos, and dynamic landing pages for your leads.

Step 4

Audience Activation

Fullpath works towards creating new streams of revenue you never even knew existed.

Take your customer engagements to the next level.

Fullpath Equity – Make your emails and ads even more effective with equity-based offers for your positive-equity shoppers. 

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Fullpath’s ChatGPT – Instantly respond to incoming shopper questions with personalized recommendations.

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Digital Advertising – Execute highly-personalized targeted digital ad campaigns designed to drive sales. 

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Our Story

Fullpath is dedicated to helping dealers build unforgettable customer experiences that create customers for life.

What started as a dream with a group of friends working out of a small Jerusalem apartment is now a growing tech company of top-tier engineers, data scientists, and world-class customer success managers dedicated to helping dealerships meet and surpass their sales goals every month.


Why does my dealership need AI-powered email campaigns?

Bland, generic, ineffective email campaigns are a thing of the past. Fullpath is a platform based email marketing solution which connects your ads, website, and CRM data to create the most relevant and personalized customer engagements in automotive. Fullpath leverages data from across the entire shopper funnel and your entire data layer in order to optimize your email marketing with powerful automations at-scale to activate more opportunities.

How well does Fullpath’s Audience Activation work over time?

Fullpath continues to perform and provide huge value for dealerships weeks, months, even years after activating for a few reasons: 1) New opportunities are always being added to your CRM, and since Fullpath syncs with your CRM and pulls in new data daily, you will always have new leads you can feed into your audiences. 2) The older opportunities, dead leads, and those who never purchased from your dealership will enter audiences dynamically based on their behavior, their actions, and their intent.

Is Fullpath compliant with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data security protocols?

Fullpath is ISO 27001 certified. This is the top international standard of information security. You can be assured that working with our Customer Data and Experience Platform means you are working with a vendor who understands, appreciates, and has gone above and beyond industry standard to make sure the data we collect, store, and use on behalf of your dealership is secure and via our continued ISO Certification, in compliance with the top international standard of information security. It’s important for you to know that we do not and never will sell or use your customers’ data in any way not explicitly related to marketing or advertising for your dealership.

Does Audience Activation also engage active leads and shoppers?

Yes, Fullpath Audience Activation engages your leads across the entire shopper journey – from their first ad click, through their first sale and beyond – in order to nurture your customer relationships and create loyalty for your dealership. Satisfied, engaged customers lead to referral and repeat business which makes relationship nurturing one of the most important parts of a dealership’s lead nurture strategy.

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