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How Centralizing BDC & Marketing Improves Efficiencies with Matt Raymond

  • December 26, 2021
27 min read
How Centralizing BDC & Marketing Improves Efficiencies with Matt Raymond

Ilana Shabtay
VP of Marketing, Fullpath

Matt Raymond
Director of Digital Operations, Team Automotive Group

Matt Raymond is the Director of Digital Operations at Team Automotive Group, a dealership that provides a vast selection of new and used vehicles and exceptional car care for drivers in Salisbury, North Carolina. Matt joined the automotive industry after spending seven years in law enforcement. Before taking on his role at Team Automotive Group, he worked as the Digital Marketing Manager and eCommerce Director for Halterman’s Automotive Group, an award-winning dealership based in Pennsylvania.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Why Matt Raymond left law enforcement to join the automotive industry
  • Matt’s work at Team Automotive Group and how he grew the company
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted Team Automotive Group’s business and employees
  • Matt talks about his company’s Rapid Response Team and explains how having the same process in all stores helps with efficiency
  • The marketing strategies Matt uses to drive success
  • Ilana and Matt discuss recent changes in the digital retail landscape for dealerships
  • Matt talks about sharing dad jokes, his love for craft beer, and his advice on giving dealership reviews
  • Matt’s tips for making your BDC work

In this episode…

With the recent disruptions to the automotive industry due to technology changes, many dealerships have seen a growth in demand for digital retail. However, with this demand comes the need for a more efficient business development center (BDC) and better marketing strategies to ensure that your dealership continues attracting customers and making sales.

According to Matt Raymond, centralizing your dealership’s marketing and BDC functions can help you bring together your team, increase efficiency, gain more control, and improve the recruiting and onboarding of new employees. Matt played a key role in building Team Automotive Group’s BDC, and now he’s here to share his strategies.

In this episode of the InsideAuto Podcast, Ilana Shabtay is joined by Matt Raymond, the Director of Digital Operations at Team Automotive Group, to discuss how centralizing marketing and BDC helps improve efficiency in dealerships. Matt talks about his marketing strategies, the importance of consolidating data, and how his company has been handling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stay tuned.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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This episode is brought to you by AutoLeadStar, a company that helps car dealerships engage quality customers on the web and convert them into car buyers.

Co-founded by Aharon Horwitz, Yishai Goldstein, and Eliav Moshe, AutoLeadStar’s state-of-the-art software automates a dealership’s entire marketing funnel and provides around-the-clock service for dealers.

AutoLeadStar’s innovative technology helps dealerships automate ads, connect with customers, and discover ROI and performance metrics

Visit their website at to learn more about their around-the-clock marketing service.

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:03

Welcome to InsideAuto Podcast where we feature everyone and anyone you’d want to talk to, in and out of the automotive industry.

Ilana Shabtay 0:14

Ilana Shabtay, here host of InsideAuto Podcast where we interview top dealers, GM marketers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders in and out of the automotive industry. Before we introduce today’s guest, this episode is sponsored by The AutoLeadStar platform is built on a technology so powerful it allows you to market sell and service cars as you would in the real world at scale and online, making a one to one matches between shoppers and inventory. AutoLeadStar is the only platform that is powered by skill, speed and specificity to change the way dealers do marketing today. Okay, excited to introduce today’s guests. And I do have to say working from home today, which is become a norm. So there’s background noise of like a toddler. If we hear that then that will just add some action and character to this to this episode. But today’s guest is Matt Raymond. I’m so excited to have him be someone I’ve known for a long time, Matt, how are you? I’m doing good. How are you doing today? Good. I’m excited to have you. I’ll give you an intro. And then we’ll we’ll get in and get to know you a little bit more. Matt is currently the Director of Digital Operations at Team Automotive Group where he’s been for almost four years. The position brought him and his family down to North Carolina from Pennsylvania, where he was at home from Minnesota as sales and then also eventually worked his way up to Director of Marketing there. Matt, again, thank you for joining us.

Matt Raymond 1:33

Yeah, thank you very much for having me on. And it’s been it’s been exciting coming to Team Auto Group. I think when you knew I was coming down here, because we had talked at Digital dealer, I think it was just before then we had one store, and we just signed for our sixth store the other day. So it’s been a nation. Thank you. So in four years, it’s been building kind of building the monsters we call it.

Ilana Shabtay 1:56

That’s awesome. So I’m really excited to dig into that before. And that would be the first question that we talked about that we dig into. But before we get into that, can you tell us a little bit how you got from law enforcement to automotive, I love these stories, because we always uncover really interesting ways that people get find themselves in automotive and then can never leave.

Matt Raymond 2:15

Yeah, so I did law enforcement for seven years in a small town. And the whole goal was to transfer into fraud investigations and things like that with a larger scale company. That was right, the market crashed in 2008. But the ripple effects went out further. So my plan didn’t work as planned. And my wife and I were dating at the time. And you know, with the online world, you need people online stuff. And so she was in Pennsylvania, and I was still living up in New England. And so I decided, like, you know what, let me just get residency down there. And then there’s a whole bunch of police departments. I mean, she was about an hour and a half, two hours from Philadelphia and some other towns in the eastern side.

Ilana Shabtay 2:56

Um, so let’s talk a little bit about now all of the transitions that you mentioned, and how you were really a part of shaping Team Auto, going from one or two stores to six stores. One of the things that you mentioned that you that you also helped out with is centralizing, marketing, BDC and creating a service, etc, all all things that are critical to creating a really massive group operation. So I’d love to hear a little bit about how that’s been.

Matt Raymond 3:26

Yeah. So let me start with BDC first, because that will kind of snowball and everything else. So when I came down here, Kristen Dillard, our dealer principal, hired me. And the whole idea was to get our BDC department up and running and grow our BDC. When I started, we had four people in the BDC. And we added our Swansboro store, we added a couple more people. We added our Goldsboro store, we added a couple more people. And when we added our in in the process, we felt the need to, I want to say bring marketing in house, we still use an agency and we still are using an agency. But we take a lot of stuff in house first. So kind of the agency handles a lot of the graphics work. And some of that stuff like pay per click and Facebook ads and stuff like that. But we started growing in we’re actually growing that marketing department. I’ll get to that a little bit later. But as we started to grow our BDC we felt the need to take it off site because we have six stores throughout North Carolina now and they range from the coast of the mountains. And we thought you know what, if we’re inside a dealership, you know, we’re going to get, you know, we don’t know what kind of headaches we’re going to deal with, right? Because you get sales people coming in and everything else. So we went down to downtown Salisbury, North Carolina. We actually applied for some grants and stuff like that because we want to add jobs with added can’t remember the exact number I think was 23 jobs to the community. So we renovated a 9000 square foot building in downtown historic Salisbury and it turned into our call center. And we thought, hey, this is great. We’ve got, you know, we’ve got seven, eight BDC agents at this time. And I got the bright idea that hey, listen, why don’t we build a service BDC um, so Anthony and I are fixed ops director, we started working on building a service BDC, we started adding more stores, we started adding more cubicles. We have now outgrown the building, there’s, it started with five people from accounting, seven BDC agents and myself, and we are now at over 70 employees in this building. Wow. All of accounting is here, corporate recruiter, HR everybody, our BDC. Here’s our numbers on RBC, we have 10 service BDC agents, we have one service BDC manager, we have 21, sales, BDC agents, on BDC, manager and up to 21, service, sales, BDC agents, two of

Ilana Shabtay 5:52

them are team leaders. And that’s all best for all stores. That’s for all stores. So all our phone

Matt Raymond 5:57

numbers bring into one centralized location. So the other day when we did our buy, sell, we went to the dealership, got ahold of their phone numbers, pointed them towards our phone numbers. Yep. And we rock and roll, we were up and live and running. As soon as we had our sales license in our hand, which takes a day after signing papers. And so that’s where we’ve grown our BDC. And we continue to grow, we’re already out of Rome, and we’re already looking for more people.

Ilana Shabtay 6:26

I love that also because it’s not just about, okay, we decided to centralize so that we can have more control or we can have one place where everyone fits. But it’s also way more efficient when onboarding when bringing more people on, because it’s like, everything is routed through one place. And so it makes it way more productive for you to, to, to move people around or bring in new stores. I never thought about that. So that’s that’s a huge plus.

Matt Raymond 6:50

Exactly. And one of the big things is is that you know, within our BDC COVID is no secret, right? We all know about it, we’d all been pretty good at avoiding it. North Carolina didn’t shut down automobile dealerships, or even shut down our call center and stuff. But the first of August, somewhere around that time frame, we had a just a rash of COVID Go around. And it hit 15 employees 15 employees in our call center. We thought you know, most of them were you know, younger kids that you know, I got a sniffle and sneeze, I still want to work, I still want to make money. How do we do this. And so what we’re able to do is, within 24 hours, we took our entire BDC. And because the systems that we use, everybody was able to go remote. So we never missed a beat. We took 15 vc agents, and at this point, I hadn’t gotten COVID Yet, at this point, I was at the office with our BDC manager. And we were just air traffic controlling things. You know, we had a group text set up. We had lines go in different directions and stuff like that, but they were able to answer leads respond to leads when the phone rings or call center rings, everybody’s phones or if they’re at home. Or if they’re at work, it all rings the same so they just pick it up and answer it. And we never missed a B throughout COVID.

Ilana Shabtay 8:12

One of the it’s interesting that you bring this up because I had Marija Cvetkovskat, I hope I’m saying her last name correctly. She works at PCG now, she used to be at Suburban. She was on the podcast last week. And she I asked her like what what do you think it is? Why are people leaving retail and going to the vendor side and she said for her specifically it was she had zero flexibility. And when COVID head and and there wasn’t the possibility or the infrastructure for her team to work from home, they had to let go of a ton of people and she she like it really, really was hard for her to one just have to let people go for basically no reason other than there’s no infrastructure in place for them to work. But she really wanted to find a flexible place. So the fact that your dealership has installed a way for people just like in general, just a flexible environment is so critical to the time that we limit and so I think that’s also really unique.

Matt Raymond 9:07

It is in so this is this part of that birth, our what we call our rapid response team now. And our rapid response team is five of our top selected agents. They’re issued a laptop, those laptops are then they so our agents come in and work on Sundays even though the stores are closed on Sundays, North Carolina you can be open or you don’t have to be open on Sundays. We’re just in the bible belt so we stay closed, but our agents will work on Sundays and what these rapid response people do is you know their program kicks off January 1 But the rapid response teams geared up and they’ll work a Sunday and when they work a Sunday instead of coming in the office will work at home and we want them working from home is because it’s their going to train and make sure that their equipments on point because if we have another situation and you know another very or whatever else might come our way. And we have to send people home, we know that we have at least five people initially, that can go home and work. The biggest issue we had when we sent everybody home to work wasn’t the fact of them working. It was the fact that, you know, Joe over here is on a MacBook. And you know, Sally over here is using, you know, computer from 17 years ago when she graduated college, and he is so in alrighty guys going, Oh, my goodness, people haven’t even updated the antivirus. You know,

Ilana Shabtay 10:29

all it sounds like are it? Yeah, so that’s, you know,

Matt Raymond 10:33

there was a lot of stuff, you know, updating software and everything else to make sure that everybody’s protected and got what they need. And so that was that was a big thing for us, our service, etc, the same thing, we sent them all home, we pretty much just took everybody out of the office, sent them home. And you know, some people would be out from seven to 10 days, till we brought them back. And it but we never missed a beat today in stores. The other thing was, is that all of our stores run on the same process. So when COVID comes into one of our stores, and we have to send service managers home or sales managers when we just pluck service managers, sales managers out of another store and move them over. Yeah. Yeah, we run off all the same platforms, everything. So that’s how we overcame that. Because I mean, listen to COVID, having over 350 employees, gets people differently, whether it’s them or their family, or whatever. So, you know, we adapted really quickly, and it’s helped us even improve on our business model.

Ilana Shabtay 11:34

Yeah, that’s wonderful. I think that’s a a lot of good things here that we didn’t Yeah, I certainly haven’t thought of when centralizing a BDC or marketing, obviously makes it way more authentic, efficient and productive. For me, I was just thinking, okay, consolidate as much as possible, make it easy for the marketing director. But there’s so much more to it, especially what you mentioned about like plucking people out from here and being able to drop them into some other score. Because everything’s running the same system. It’s a huge, a huge productive operation that you’ve basically built from from day one. Yeah, that’s awesome. And when

Matt Raymond 12:10

we like when we just launched this new store, we had 36 people up there. We had a couple sales people from different stores. And we retain all the staff when we go into the stores. But it’s just some people may move on, some people may stay. But our staff comes in and says, Hey, we’re here to help. We’ve been through this before. You know, this is our CRM, the starting EMS. And so salespeople work with salespeople. We have a systems trainer that comes in and just trains if they’ve never used that CRM before. Our IT departments, they’re in there getting everybody’s phones and computers hooked up. You know, we have HR and we’re all sitting there doing, you know, the forms and emails and everything. So that when we leave when we show up Monday morning, we leave on Friday afternoon, everybody’s a fully functional dealership. I mean, I’m looking in the CRM today. And we went from having five stores two weeks ago to having stick six stores now. And you would never know the difference. Everybody’s just running as business as usual.

Ilana Shabtay 13:01

It’s great. That’s awesome. Now, on the marketing side, I know we talked a lot. I’m BPdc. On the marketing side, what are some of the things that you’ve implemented, let’s say in the past year to whether or not it’s related to COVID or not, because I think, you know, we’ve seen the world changing, go upside down in the 10, five times, head and now No, no, even I mean, COVID is, of course, an issue. But inventory shortage is a much bigger challenge for dealers that we’ve seen in the past six months, at least. So what are some of the things that you implemented on the marketing side that you’ve seen to be really successful at the Team Auto Group?

Matt Raymond 13:37

So in marketing side of things, we just take a look at, you know, what are we having more customers looking for? You know, we, we’ve continued as business as usual. We didn’t pull back on budgets. We didn’t freak out. We didn’t jump on any of the bandwagons of whatever was going on in the country. You know, you see dealerships you know, if we would if people called up and said, Hey, we want to, we want you to pick our vehicle up, we don’t feel comfortable coming in Sure. No problem. Come pick your vehicle, you know, hey, we want to test drive. Okay, great. We want you to meet us at our, you know, our house on test drive at our house. Okay, no problem. We didn’t have many of that. But we were there for them if they wanted that. And we would talk about it. It also caused us to realize, and we have a great relationship with our agency. But it really made us realize, like, holy smokes, there’s always a delay in automotive, right. I mean, just looking at year over year and month over month, Google Analytics. It always takes a little bit to ramp up that first week. Yeah. And we realized that you know, there was a need to bring some stuff in house. So in the process, we’ve hired a marketing coordinator and she is currently making graphics and building out our social media plans and, and doing all that stuff. And she came up this past week for our launch and we did this cool, like, slideshow that someday we can use for recruiting and you know, whatever else it might be. And then, you know, we jumped to the next Project or whatever else, but it allowed us to turn things around real quickly. You know, we’re getting ready to open the Morganton. Store, we had to do up a billboard, banner. And I sent it off to Kristen. She’s like, Hey, can we do this in this moment? Yeah. And, you know, Casey, our marketing coordinators, like, Yep, no problem. And within 15 minutes, we had it hashed out versus kind of going through that support ticket world that you live in.

Ilana Shabtay 15:23


Matt Raymond 15:25

And so it made us really appreciate that. And at this point, we’ve decided that we’re going to start bringing marketing, you know, 100% in house, because who knows our culture better than us. And then on top of Team Automotive is, it’s unique in the way Team Automotive works. And if we’ve got to make tweaks, so we have ideas and stuff like that, we want to be able to work together real closely to be able to do that.

Ilana Shabtay 15:47

Yeah, and I think like what you said, the turnaround time is key. And that’s just going to give you a competitive edge if you’re missing a full week of the month, because by the time your offers come out, and the graphics come out, and it’s synced with your website, and your ad data and all that you’re missing a full week, so bringing that in house is totally key, just making sure that you have obviously the support, they need to turn it around fast enough, which it sounds like you do, I’m all in favor of that. And also, then you can control more of your data, which you can then leverage, which I think is a huge, it’s gonna be a huge topic and 2020 to being able to consolidate data, leverage data for marketing. So you’ll, you’ll have an upper hand in that, which is nice. But

Matt Raymond 16:27

I mean, you hit the nail on the head with the data stuff. And you know, automotive is, I don’t know, 10 years behind whatever it might be. I mean, I’ve talked to some CRM companies that are not approved CRM companies and automotive, that when a consumer ends up back on your website, it automatically schedules drip campaigns. You know, I mean, I bought my wife a purse the other day, oh, my goodness, I get 3000 emails a day right now about different promotions in this. And do I ignore it? Do I unsubscribe, whatever I know, people will say, well, people don’t need to buy a car all the time. No, you’re right, they don’t. But if they’re in the market, or they come back into the market, you know, you’re leaving some of that stuff to your BDC or to a CRM that says, Oh, we know when they’re in market. But there’s some CRMs out there that are so advanced in their technology, that I mean, that can really, really handle the data that needs to be handled, you know, and it’s just, it’s out there. And we have to do a better job of like, customer relations side of things with it, versus the you know, we were so focused on selling cars. And yet, what is it 63% of our traffic comes to our website to schedule service.

Ilana Shabtay 17:34

Yeah, for sure. Or even if someone comes in and has a good experience, and then a week later is looking for their wife or for their friend or their husband like that is all things that are working CRM outside would would pick that up in real time, shoot off the campaigns that are necessary to get them into, you know, certain flows and funnels that they wouldn’t necessarily be in if you’re using outdated serum. And I think this topic exactly is what’s going to be really changed on live in 22.2. Like, I think 2020 or 2021 was all about digital retail and modern retail. And you know what you adopt that or not? I know, you alluded to this earlier, but I think 2022 is is like digital retail. You know, opinions aside, important. Not important, but it’s only one piece of a bigger picture for automotive that I think we missed a little bit of as an industry, which is meet your customers where they are, give them what they need. That might not be digital retail and money. But also be able to leverage the data that you have on your customer, and then have the those interactions based on on the data. So I think we’re gonna get there next year, or, you know, in 2020

Matt Raymond 18:45

Well, it’s, you know, it’s you. I mean, digital retail is a whole other topic or whole other day, right. But it’s like automotive went from learning how to use the internet to pay we can be like Amazon or in sell cars online. And it’s like, whoa, like, I know, I’ve talked to so many friends that are not in automotive, I said, Hey, listen, if you could just go online, click a couple buttons, have a car show up and you’d happy happy with that? And not really I kind of want to drive it, I want to smell it. Like, you know, what’s your return policy? Well, you know, and then it’s just and then dealers operate on such a thin staffing measure, you know, you try to be stabbed up and nobody built their department for digital retailing. Because Johnny can’t come off the sales floor to drive a car 45 minutes away, to let them drive for 30 minutes to then come back. You know, let them have it for three days and then have them change your mind and unwind to contract it you know, whatever else it might there’s so many things in there versus will use it hit the nail on the head. Just be where people want to be when they want to be there, right? Like, hey, we’re here. Oh, you want to drive a great I can meet you at your house if that’s what you want. You know, just it’s just it’s just been an experience. You know, I think it instead of being called Digital retail. It should just, you know, maybe be automotive you know your automotive expense. perience specialists like customer retail,

Ilana Shabtay 20:02

just reach out for the customer. Now okay, let’s let’s wrap this podcast with some more fun stuff. I we’re Facebook friends, we’ve been Facebook friends for a while. I love first of all, okay, so for those of you who aren’t friends with Matt on Facebook, he puts dad jokes up like once a day, maybe like three times a week. They’re pretty funny. I think they’re funny.

Matt Raymond 20:24

I try to I try to put them up at least once a day. I don’t do you.

Ilana Shabtay 20:29

There’s so many like you. You obviously don’t come up with all them. But how do you just put them up? Like, you’re gonna run out at some point?

Matt Raymond 20:38

Yeah, no, there’s a there’s a couple about the only thing Twitter’s useful for there’s a couple pages of on Twitter that, you know, there’s some dad jokes. All them all. That’s nice. Yeah. The The sad thing is, is I’ve kind of gotten this dad joke and going so much that every day somebody on Facebook sends me another dad joke. Oh, that’s good. Yeah, so I got that going. I actually thought about taking like my love for craft beer and dad jokes and turning it into some podcast.

Ilana Shabtay 21:03

That would be amazing, right? I didn’t know that you love craft craft beer. I actually for my mother’s birthday just got her subscription to like a craft beer company. So every month she gets like 12 different beer, craft beers, and she can try them. I’ll send you the company. You might like it. But, uh, but that’s cool. So anyway, what I was saying is, so if you follow my furry friends with Matt on Facebook, so But dad jokes aside, which are pretty funny. You also had a comment the other day that I figured we could talk about in the podcast, which is basically like, if you’re gonna leave a one star review at the dealership and not put a comment. You’re a coward or something like that. Talk about that. I’d love to know because and it also leaks and a little bit to like your review strategy. And we can wrap it I thought it would be fun to talk a little bit about about, you know, your little tidbits from Facebook. It’s a pretty entertaining.

Matt Raymond 21:54

Yeah. First off, since we’re getting close to the holidays, you know, if you live one star review, and don’t leave any comments, I hope Santa flies right by your house and doesn’t leave you any gifts. Yeah, right.

Ilana Shabtay 22:03

But beer for you.

Matt Raymond 22:07

But the Yeah, so over over the years, I’ve handled customer relations stuff. I always end up with it. We have a customer relations manager now and her and I work hand in hand on a lot of stuff. But it really like I’ve watched what reviews do. And I found that a lot of people get angry. And the whole idea behind a review is we want to be able to fix it. And when they don’t leave comments and they just leave one star like, what kind of person are you getting? If you’re, if you tell a company, you’re a one star, then I want you to fix something and tell us what it is whether you do business with us ever again or not. I’m cool with that. Just let us know. So we can try to fix it. That’s my thing. Tim Martell asked me in my post, he said, Well, what about the leave of five star with no comment? They’re a coward too, because I want to hear what we did good on the five star side of things. You know, that’s the that’s it. It’s crazy on the reviews that I’ve gotten to the point in my life that I don’t read reviews for I look at a restaurant, if they’re above four stars, you know what, they’re probably pretty good. And there’s a couple restaurants out there. I won’t say what kind of food it is. But if they’re three and a half or better, I’m probably going to be alright too. There’s there’s hotels, right? I look at hotels of hotels are above four stars and good. I usually click this is how I networked I go in click reviews, see where it’s at. And then if I say I want to investigate a little bit more, I click lowest rating. What’s what’s the lowest rating if I if I see a hotel it says bedbugs. bedbugs, bedbugs, but I’m moving on. Right? But if it’s like, you know, Tammy at the front desk was mean and didn’t give me my chocolate chip cookie, you know, right over the mean chocolate not have done a job that you and I do the same thing. Yeah, let’s settle down. Karen, you know, the chocolate chip cookie. And let’s move on.

Ilana Shabtay 23:54

Yeah, exactly. No, but I think it’s important. I also think you’re speaking to something that’s important for automotive dealers, which is that, always read your reviews, and then actually do something about them. If they’re negative, then even if the person is never going to come and get your business figure out how to take the feedback, respond because people want to see that you respond and and take the feedback to your team. So I do think it’s important, but I love your your Facebook, your Facebook posts, I always get like a little bit of info a little bit of like what’s happening at Team Auto? What’s happening with Matt’s family in like, two sentences. It’s really great. It’s entertaining. And I don’t know I’m inviting people here on the podcast those listening to to friend, Matt Raymond. on Facebook. It’s quite entertaining. But yeah, I agree with that strategy. Before we sign off anything else that you want to tell our listeners today about anything when it comes to marketing sales or BDC strategy? And

Matt Raymond 24:49

defense anyone’s ever got any BDC questions just I just asked them to reach out we built a service BDC from the ground up and built the pretty much a sales BDC thing for people to 21 People, we’ve just put processes in place. I mean, if you call up and say, Hey, what’s the best word track and get people in lesson? There’s a whole bunch of consultants, you can go on hire for that if you want to know how to do the structure behind it, and figure out how to like, how do I make this work in my organization? I see so many times on automotive right now. People saying in house or outsourced how you know, I’m thinking about outsource what I do this what we outsource it, we outsourced it to ourselves. Yeah. You know, and so if anybody’s looking at like, how do I really build a BDC and make it work? I’m down to have that conversation. And I know that we would welcome people to come to our call center and spend a day in here. There’s no secret sauce and automotive, right, let’s stop pretending like somebody’s got some secret sauce. If you want to see how really efficient BDC works, come on in. Plus, our agents are nominal. And we just love to brag on them a little bit.

Ilana Shabtay 25:52

And we’ve actually had, when you create an environment that’s nice for people to work in, they’re going to be great employees.

Matt Raymond 25:58

Exactly. And you know, we had a, we had one company come in one time, and they said, you know, they were looking at building a BDC. And they said, why don’t you do this? And we’re like, you know what, we never really thought of that, you know, and so it’s all about networking. It’s all about picking each other apart in a good way positively. Right? We work together. And so that’s our whole thing is just, you know, we’d welcome anybody to come visit us. Check it out. And if they have any questions, reach out and ask me.

Ilana Shabtay 26:23

That’s awesome. Well, thank you so much for sharing that and Matt’s information and Team Automotive Dealership will be linked out on the shownotes, which I put together for the podcast. So feel free really to to reach out and thank you so much for hanging out with me today on the podcast. It was really fun. For those listening, please tune in tune in You can find us on all mainstream outlets, Apple, Spotify, Deezer wherever you listen to your podcast. So Matt, thank you so much again. Thank you very much.

Outro 26:57

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