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How Fullpath’s Custom Campaigns Can Drive Your Dealership Strategy Forward 

  • September 3, 2024
8 min read
How Fullpath’s Custom Campaigns Can Drive Your Dealership Strategy Forward 

Table of Contents

    Zoë Edelman

    Zoë Edelman

    Table of Contents

      In a world of busy inboxes and ad saturation, standard ads and email blasts are no longer hitting the mark. Automotive dealerships are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out in the crowd. The emergence of AI-powered, automotive-centric Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) presented a game-changing solution: personalized email marketing at scale. 

      By consolidating all customer data, CDPs enable dealerships to gain in-depth understanding of customer preferences and behaviors. This data-powered insight can then be used to create highly targeted email marketing campaigns with personalized messages that resonate with each individual customer. When combined with the power of AI, dealers can easily send personalized emails at a scale no human could ever imagine achieving while leveraging real-time data from the CDP to determine which email will most likely engage the shopper at that moment. 

      That all sounds great, but what if in addition to sending thousands of hyper-targeted emails your dealership wants to communicate urgent, short-term, or other updates? 

      On one hand, you want your dealership’s shoppers to feel valued by offering them personalized communications that demonstrate a genuine understanding of their interests and previous interactions with your dealership. On the other hand, there will always be instances where a time-sensitive offer or update needs to reach your wider audience, regardless of any scheduled personalized emails. The goal is to strike that delicate balance between engaging customers with personalized content and hitting your dealership’s goals. 

      Fullpath’s Custom Campaigns helps you do exactly that. 

      As part of Fullpath Audience Activation, Fullpath’s data-powered AI email solution, Custom Campaigns streamlines the process of sending targeted one-off emails to any audience you define using your first-party data within the CDP. Running alongside the Fullpath AI, Custom Campaigns are designed to reach specific audience segments with a specific message, seamlessly integrating with your current marketing automations so you can reach your shoppers however you want, when you want, with exactly the messaging you want.

      We will explore Custom Campaigns, see how they work within Fullpath’s Audience Activation, their unique role in complementing AI-driven email marketing, and how they empower dealerships to respond effectively to time-sensitive communication needs. We will also illustrate their effectiveness with specific use cases, demonstrating how Custom Campaigns can enhance your dealership’s communication strategy.

      Understanding Custom Campaigns

      Fullpath Audience Activation makes it easy for dealers to transform their data-driven insights into highly targeted email campaigns with AI automations. Fullpath’s AI technology leverages CDP data to automatically write email content, build audience lists, select relevant graphics, and even send the final emails, enabling dealers to deliver smart personalized marketing at scale.

      Nestled within Fullpath’s Marketing dashboard, the Custom Campaigns feature offers dealers the ability to craft unique emails for any audience. This includes a one time blast, or an ongoing campaign that will be sent continuously whenever someone meets the right criteria. This gives dealers an additional avenue of communication and allows them to prioritize specific messaging to help achieve business goals that work in line with the Fullpath AI.

      Whether you use an existing audience or create a new one for this specific email, you control the content. Unlike AI-powered emails, the focus here is on your message, not personalized customer data. While your chosen audience should align with your message, the email’s primary purpose is to deliver your specific update. Choose to leverage AI’s smart suggestions or craft the email entirely yourself — the flexibility is built in.

      Once your audience is built and the content is finalized, the email is ready for launch. To avoid overwhelming shoppers who might qualify for multiple campaigns, you control the send frequency and priority. Choose a one-time blast for immediate delivery, or set up an ongoing campaign where AI intelligently schedules emails, automatically incorporating this email into the communication flow whenever a new shopper joins the target audience. One of the great things about Custom Campaigns is that it takes into account cadence, so if someone in your chosen audience already received an email today and your Custom Campaign has a lower priority, Audience Activation will delay the custom email to fit your chosen frequency.

      The Role of Custom Campaigns in Your Email Marketing Strategy

      Custom Campaigns is a powerful tool that complements AI-powered marketing campaigns, empowering dealerships to implement a proactive and targeted approach for delivering specific messaging. While AI-powered automation excels at personalized communication based on long-term customer behavior and preferences, Custom Campaigns fill a critical gap by providing the ability to respond to immediate opportunities or challenges that might not fit neatly into a pre-defined or automated strategy.

      This flexibility is essential in today’s dynamic automotive market. Whether you need to respond to sudden inventory changes, capitalize on local events, or align with OEM initiatives, it’s important for you to have a way to engage your shoppers in a data-driven manner that can help you achieve your goals. 

      By seamlessly integrating with your existing automated email campaigns, Custom Campaigns bridge the gap between AI-driven personalization and human-led strategic communication. This hybrid approach ensures a cohesive customer experience, where every message, whether triggered automatically or thoughtfully composed, are meaningful and timely. You gain the precision to target specific segments, the control to tailor your messaging, and the flexibility to adapt to any situation.

      The results speak for themselves: within the first 6 weeks of launching this feature, dealers using Custom Campaigns made 64 sales from 464 leads. Click here to see what else Custom Campaigns helped dealers achieve. 

      Custom Campaigns in Practice

      Not every email is part of your pre-planned marketing campaigns. Things come up and sometimes, you just have a time-sensitive message that needs to be shared. Let’s explore a few examples where Custom Campaigns truly excel in meeting a dealership’s communication needs:

      Clearing Specific Vehicles Off the Lot

      Let’s say your OEM is ready to launch an exciting new model next month, but you need to sell off the older models first before the new cars arrive. Your regular marketing campaigns aren’t designed for this kind of time-sensitive push.

      Custom Campaigns helps you easily push an offer on those older models, whether that offer came from the OEM or your dealership. Moreso, once your OEM indicates when the new vehicles will arrive, you can use Custom Campaigns to share the announcement with any of your shoppers you think might be in the market. 

      Make this Month’s MVP

      Minivan sales are booming. You’re just 2 minivans away from hitting your end-of-month goal AND your OEM’s record. This is the perfect moment to capitalize on your momentum with a targeted Custom Campaign. You can craft a new email to target anyone who already owns a minivan, has visited your website within the past 3 months, and pays more than 9% APR. Think about including messaging with a time-limited offer that will get shoppers out of their old minivans and into your new ones. 

      Holiday Hours

      It’s the holiday season and it’s hectic as usual, but with extended hours, you’re ready to outshine the competition. Notifying your customers about longer opening hours is hardly a typical marketing campaign, but it is exactly what Custom Campaigns are designed to do. You can create a campaign updating recent website shoppers and showroom visitors about your adjusted open hours, and, since it’s the biggest purchasing season, you can even extend your audience further to shoppers who have visited your website within the past 6 months. This can help you drive more showroom appointments and increase your sales during the holiday rush.

      Unlocking a New Level of Email Marketing

      Custom Campaigns serve as a valuable tool for dealerships seeking to enhance their communication strategies. By offering a platform for targeted, time-sensitive messaging, they complement the automated personalization of AI-powered marketing, enabling a more holistic and effective approach to customer engagement.

      The flexibility and control offered by Custom Campaigns helps dealerships respond proactively to a range of scenarios, from promoting new vehicles and capitalizing on market opportunities to addressing operational updates and aligning with OEM initiatives. This agility ensures that every message is not only relevant and timely but also strategically aligned with the dealership’s overall goals.

      Furthermore, the seamless integration of Custom Campaigns with existing marketing automation fosters a cohesive customer experience, where every interaction, whether automated or custom-crafted, feels personalized and valuable. By embracing this hybrid approach, combining the power of AI-driven personalization with the strategic precision of human-led messaging, dealerships can unlock new levels of customer engagement and drive their business forward.

      Fullpath launched Custom Campaigns during our Q2 Live Launch, and the results since then have already proven this feature to be a total game changer when it comes to dealership email marketing.

      Ready to see how Custom Campaigns can revolutionize your dealership’s communication strategy? Schedule a demo today or send us an email at to discover the power of personalized, targeted messaging. 

      • Audience Activation

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